Contact Details and Communication
Communication is key to our management approach and we want to keep in touch with all Landlords and Tenants on a regular basis so that everyone is kept fully up to date with what we’re doing.
So that we may manage the development in accordance, we require certain information to be provided by all property owners. For us to accept this communication preference form, we require you to provide and confirm your contact details, including your name, telephone number and email address. We will collect and keep this data in accordance with General Data Protection Regulations and store this data only for as long as it is needed or required. Once the information on this form is on our system, the paper copy will be disposed of appropriately. This data will be available to all staff members whilst you are associated with the Park Royal Metro Centre or Britannia Way and only be disclosed to third parties under strict conditions, including
but not limited to times of emergency, conducting legal proceedings, providing data to a debt collection company and, when appropriate. For further information, please see our full Data Protection policy on our website, If you have any queries, please contact the site manager in the first instance.